The Parish of Saint Catherine & Saint James with Saint Audoen
Canon Mark Gardner (Editor) Tel: 01 454 2274 Mobile 087 266 0228
Email: markgardner@eircom.net
Review Distribution: Margery Bell Tel: 01 4542067
Website: cja.dublin.anglican.org
Organist: Derek Moylan
Service times every Sunday
10.00 Eucharist, St Audoen, Cornmarket. (Parking in Francis Street is free on Sundays)
11.30 Eucharist (and Sunday School, in term time) St Catherine & St James, Donore Avenue. (Family Service and Church Coffee, usually Second Sundays)
Sunday School
Family Service in February was a very happy event, with Sunday school forming a children’s choir, singing ‘He’s got the whole world in his hands’. The theme was St Valentine and the young people saw that the letters that spell his name occur one after the other in the text ‘God so loved the world’. Volunteers provided tea, coffee and nice things to eat after service.
St Catherine’s National School
Dear Parents, It is with very bittersweet feelings that I write to you today. After twenty-four years of being principal of St Catherine’s, I have decided to retire at the end of this academic year. I absolutely love the school and the job, but I think it’s time I did some other things with my life. I also feel the school will benefit from having new leadership, someone with fresh ideas and the energy to implement them.
We have a great school here and I am very proud of it. The Parents’ Association does an amazing job in organising activities and events, all completely voluntarily, but every parent’s involvement contributes to the warm atmosphere in St Catherine’s and I really appreciate this. I felt this support very strongly at our recent Carol Service, but it can be seen also in the excellent attendance at Parent-Teacher meetings and even the hardy souls who turn up to the hurling matches, to name only a few examples.
I know (well, I hope!) that some of you may be sad to see me go, but you will have few months to get used to the idea. I am sure the Board of Management will choose a wonderful replacement and I hope to still be involved in the school at some level, especially with regard to chess!
April Cronin
The National Parents Council have compiled a brief survey on the weight of schoolbags. They apologise for the short time frame with this survey, however they needed the results for same to do a report in advance of a Joint Oireachtas Committee meeting on Wednesday 25 January.
We have a huge number of coats, scarves, lunch-boxes and so on stacking up at the school. They will have to be taken to a charity shop soon! Please come in and have a root if you think one or more of these items could belong to your child.
St Luke’s Church
James Ryan has in his possession a silver medal inscribed ‘L of C’, and he wonders what it might stand for. I happened to see in Robert Dolling’s Ten Years in a Portsmouth Slum photographs with the caption ‘Communicants’ League 1895′
I would suggest that ‘L of C’ might mean ‘League of Communicants’ were it not that St Agatha’s Portsmouth was a shining light in the Anglo-Catholic movement, while the Calvinist influence of the Huguenot people was felt at St Luke’s. As Violet Quill complained ‘It was the low churches that were closed!’ – by the late great Dean Victor Griffin.
Mark Gardner
Solas Project Marrowbone Lane is an initiative of St Catherine’s Thomas Street and reports:
2016 has been quite the year at Solas Project, together we will have provided 28,230 hours of support to young people in South Inner City Dublin. I’d love to take a moment to share a story with you about one young lad Michael. This time last year Michael’s family was homeless. As he started secondary school in September, Michael was struggling to keep up. Michael has been coming along to Step Up each week and with our support, one year later, things are looking much brighter for him. There are many more young people like Michael with great potential. We desperately need your support to make this happen.
This year, consider supporting Solas Project, you can donate via our donation page or contact me at Clodagh@Solasproject.ie for our bank details. Your support means a great deal to us here at Solas Project, and more importantly to the children we support.
Cork Street Park
We have received the following good news from Dublin City Council Parks Department: ‘I’m pleased to inform you that the tender process for Weaver Park is now complete. The successful contractor, Bracegrade ltd has been appointed and is expected on site in the coming weeks. The contractors programme is six months, so all going well we expect the works to be complete summer 2017’. I would also like to thank you for all the support that you have shown this project to date. Thanks to everyone on here who helped make it happen, roll on summer 2017!
Dublin Inquirer Sandy Hazel
Untold stories of Ireland’s Protestants
A major folklore and oral history project is being carried out by Dr Deirdre Nuttall for the National Folklore Collection in UCD. Faith is just one of the various aspects that make Protestants distinctive, she says. “Protestant and Catholic are cultural markers, not necessarily denominational ones. Protestants have a slightly different folklore, collective memory and experience of 1916, 1922 and other major historical periods.”
David Woods, 43: “The Dublin Conservative Club is a Protestant association just off Camden St. Women attend but only men can be members, which is one of the reasons I’m not inclined to go there; I like to think of myself as more open-minded.”
Irish Times Peter McGuire
Dublin Wit
One of the homeless men helped by the Parish is a Dublin man recently interviewed to see if his circumstances has changed. Have you a permanent address? she asked him. I have! he said. Mount Jerome!
William Burns