
Some historic images from the parish are available here.

Repairs underway to damaged porch St. Catherine and St. James’ church.

Church porch after completion of work on the porch.

Work underway at the garden of the rectory at St. Catherine and St. James’ church to repair and upgrade the footpath.

Garden footpath after completion of repair work.

Pictures of the Eucharist in the porch of St Audoen’s, while works are completed in the Nave, taken by Margaret Lawton, Churchwarden.

Pictures of the Eucharist in the porch of St Audoen’s, while works are completed in the Nave, taken by Margaret Lawton, Churchwarden

Snapshots taken by the Revd Martha Waller at the Parish
Barbeque in the Rectory garden and Church Grounds.

More images to come…