Review notes March 2014

Saint Catherine & Saint James with Saint Audoen
Canon Mark Gardner (Editor) Tel: 01 454 2274 Mobile 087 266 0228
The Revd Martha Waller (Curate-Assistant) Tel: 01 868 1655
Review Distribution: Doris Brooks Tel: 01 453 0887

Service times every Sunday
10.00 Eucharist, St Audoen, Cornmarket (without variation).
(Parking in Francis Street is free on Sundays).

11.30 Eucharist (and Sunday School in term time), St Catherine & St James, Donore Avenue.
(Service of the Word, Second and Fourth Sundays. Family Service, from time to time).

The season of Lent, St Catherine & St James Donore Avenue
We hope to continue with Church Service after 11.00 School Service every Wednesday morning in Lent, and an Emmaus Course in the evening at 19.30, finishing at 21.00. This initiative arises from the recent Parish Consultation.

Emmaus, The Way of Faith is a course to welcome people into the Christian faith and the life of the Church. There is more to Christian faith than turning up for an hour on Sunday morning.

EMMAUS enables the Church to build relationships with:-
• those who have been in the Church for a long time and who want a refresher course
• those who want to find out more about their own place in the Church
• those outside the Church
• those who wish to join the Church from another congregation
• those who have drifted away from the Church long ago and are coming back for another look
• Young people who are searching and wish to know more
The course involves open discussion where everyone can get to know other people as well as learn about what Christians believe about God, about our own needs on our journey with God.

Patricia Casey
As the deadline for these Review notes approaches, the ringers are gathering to muffle the bells for the death at a young age in Our Lady’s Hospice of Patricia Casey. While we remember her with love before God we thank God for the care and compassion of the Hospice movement, originating in Harold’s Cross, and pray for her and her family as they prepare for the funeral service at St Patrick’s Cathedral in coming days.

He felt safe
Thursday 13 February was an unusual birthday for me. When the Churchwarden Valerie Thomas opened the Church, to let in an electrician, she discovered that someone had broken in. The next day he broke in again and this time he was found on the floor of the Ringing Chamber, having brought together a kettle from the Vestry and some candles from the Altar, and rolled himself up in a carpet to sleep. He had come to Ireland from New Zealand a month ago and had been arrested more than once, and each time, released to wander the streets again. Valerie and I spent many hours waiting for people to attend either to inspect or to repair damage on Thursday and she returned on Friday and Saturday for the same purpose.

Music at St Audoen’s
Killian Farrell is currently playing the organ at St Audoen’s and has brought four singers with him to brave the cold and support the congregational singing of the Eucharist, the Psalms and the hymns. We thank them all for bringing new life into an old place! Photographs by Patrick Hugh Lynch.

Holy Baptism
At the Church of St Catherine & St James Donore Avenue, on Saturday 18 January, Zoe Helen, and Ruth Deirdre, children of Marcus Thompson and Ayesha (neé McCabe), of Clonfert Road. Their grandfather the Revd Tom Dundas of the Church of Scotland took part in the service. He has lived in Ireland for many years and has traditionally addressed the haggis in the words of Robert Burns at a Burns night dinner, which this year he could not attend as he was travelling to the funeral of a friend in Austria. Coincidentally, I attended that dinner this year for the first time, as the guest of Sylvia Tennant of Blackrock.
Mark Gardner
Family Service
On the second Sunday of the month, Family Service at St Catherine & St James’ Church Donore Avenue has gone from strength to strength. The first Family Service was held in February 2013 shortly after my arrival in the parish. Since that time on a monthly basis the children of Sunday School led by Karen Jordan and many other volunteer leaders have grown in confidence in their ability to read, lead us in prayer and participate fully in the short address. This can be as varied as a short drama or singing and is hugely valuable in allowing the children to become more actively involved in the worship of our parish. Des Cox our Organist includes many well known ‘child friendly’ hymns. Family Service on 9 February 2014 had as its theme ‘Love your neighbour’. The fellowship with each other continues after the service in the Transept where we enjoy ‘Church Coffee’. This time everyone enjoyed the opportunity to wish a very Happy Birthday to Lilian Butler and to Isabella Gray, with a fine birthday cake.
Martha Waller

Letter from Lynda Crawford
Dear Mark,
News of the death of Archbishop Tilewa Johnson, of The Gambia, West Africa, evoked happy memories of his visit to St Catherine’s Parish on Rogation Sunday in May 1994.
Moses John and family, from The Gambia, who were parishioners at the time, alerted John (Crawford) when their friend from home was visiting London for an Anglican conference, and John jumped at the chance to invite Bishop Tilewa to Ireland.
The Bishop was a wonderfully lively man who had plenty to contribute to the Parish during that weekend. He was at least 6ft 6in in height and I worried that he would be uncomfortable in one of those little beds in the Rectory! Some of your older parishioners may well remember him too.
I enclose a screen shot from the Anglican news web site. The news is also reported in this week Gazette. Kind regards, Lynda.