Church Review Notes May 2012

Saint Catherine and Saint James with Saint Audoen
Canon Mark Gardner (Vicar) Tel: 01 454 2274 Mobile 087 266 0228
Bernard Woods (Lay Reader) Tel: 01 808 5304
James Kilby (Parish Reader) Tel: 01 820 2928
Review Distribution: Doris Brooks Tel: 01 453 0887

Sunday Services
10.00 Eucharist, St Audoen, Cornmarket (free parking, Francis Street, on Sundays).
11.30 Eucharist, St Catherine & St James, Donore Avenue (Service of the Word Second and Fourth Sundays), and Sunday School, in term time.

Easter in the Parish
Many thanks for those unseen hands and an anonymous donor for the Easter decorations in our Churches, transforming a bare empty tomb into an Easter Garden, the place of encounter with the Risen Lord. Visitors to St Audoen’s have also been admiring the new external notice board, indicating the time of Sunday service and the way in. The original idea came from Len and Eleanor Stroughair, and the lettering in red paint and gold leaf was done by Enda Hannon, a local craftsman. 

St Luke’s School Board
This Parish is blessed with a multiplicity of funds and endowments. Sadly, the recession and the collapse of the value of bank shares, has crippled the charitable endeavours of most of them. So, the Governors of the Parochial Schools of the Parish of St Nicholas without ( that is, outside the city walls ) and St Luke, find themselves unable to provide the help and support that they were formerly able to offer to parents and young people for educational purposes. We pay tribute now chiefly to Yvonne Deegan, of Monck Place in Phibsborough and Abbey Presbyterian Church, for well nigh forty years of dedicated service to the Board, from which she has now resigned as Secretary, as the funds are severely depleted. She has also been a trustee of the estates of the late Rachel Burrows (celebrated for her career in the theatre) and the late the Revd Canon Jerram Burrows (uncle of Bishop Michael Burrows), of St Luke’s Church, the Coombe. I remember Rachel so well as a contributor to ‘Sunday Miscellany’ on RTE. They lived at one time in the house on the South Circular Road, near Leonard’s corner, which still has a brass plate on the door, recalling the former status of the house as the Rectory of that Parish.

The Archbishop will confirm candidates from a number of city parishes at 15.30 on Sunday afternoon 27 May, the feast of Pentecost, at Christ Church Cathedral. 

St Patrick’s Cathedral
At Sunday Evensong this year, during the season of Lent, a ‘Sermon in Music’ has been performed. The following text was read by the Precentor, Bob Reed, just before the choir sang the Spiritual Songs from ‘Child of our Time’, an Oratorio by Michael Tippett. I found it so interesting that I asked Bob to send me his text, which I edited for use at a midweek service.

Mark Gardner